About Us

Bangladesh Young marketers Forum aim at helping young marketers to build their expertise so that they can represent Bangladesh globally and build a global network.
  • Create platform for Young Marketers
  • Help young marketers to build skill/produce skillful marketers
  • Mitigate the gap between the Corporations and Marketing students
  • Ensure the Young Marketers contribution to the society

Produce skillful marketers so that they can represent Bangladesh globally and build a global network 

    01. Skill Development

  • Workshops on Marketing Basics; viz-Advertising, Branding, Selling, Supply Chain Management -for young marketers specially for business students
  • Training programs

2.02. Marketing activism-
  • Corporate affiliation –under which BYMF will contribute in promoting corporate brands by engaging in their events. 
  •  Providing marketing activists to Corporate Houses, Research firms, Advertising Agencies.
3. 03. Marketing Magazine 

This will be an incorporation of the thoughts of the Experts & Young Marketers; where young marketers will get opportunity to express their very thoughts on specific marketing issues. Besides it will be a knowledge center for the YMs and help them to get in-depth Marketing Knowledge to prosper in their career.

4. 04. Social cause

Ensure the young Marketers contribution to the society by applying marketing knowledge and mingling social problems and marketing approach.

    05. Marketers Database

  • Build an effective and strong database of Young Marketers which help corporate to find their desired marketers for their organizations.
  • Create a linkage among Young Marketers so that they can have their own society.
